Commercial Energy Management System

In this day and age, many companies are seeking to do more to reduce their carbon footprint and be better environmental stewards. With proper energy management, your company can prove that it's possible to turn a profit while being environmentally friendly. How can you effectively manage your energy consumption? One way is to use a smart energy consumption management system connected to your smartphone or tablet. With such a system in place, you can manage energy to reduce your monthly utility bill. A key component of an energy management system is a smart thermostat that can be adjusted via an app on the mobile device of your choice.

How Does It Work?

With our energy management solution, you'll easily be able to collect sensor data, which will be able to factor in external weather conditions and your local information to optimize your company’s energy use in a way that reduces unnecessary energy consumption and cuts down your monthly expenses. Below are three key selling points of smart thermostats.

Location-Based Automation: Using our smart thermostat, you'll be able to input your local information by employing our Geo-Services. The benefit of this is that your smart thermostat will be able to automatically dial down to a lower setting when everyone has left the workplace for the day, and it will again automatically increase to a more comfortable setting when your place of business is buzzing with activity.

Security System Connection: The key concept here is "connectivity." This means that our smart thermostat will connect to your business' security system, including things like motion sensors, and door and window sensors, in order to assess real-time activity in your business and figure out the optimal thermostat setting to maximize energy savings.

Responsive Settings: The smart thermostat is designed to quickly and automatically respond to changes in temperature by monitoring indoor and outdoor conditions. So, for example, it will adjust the indoor temperature if, for instance, you open your windows during a hot day, which will reduce your energy consumption.

Custom Automation

Your energy management system will combine all your smart security devices in your business so that everything automatically responds to your daily routine. Here are three key points

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czNDASyi3F1kzHGafKWdG6Jmv5O6ve6b+YWki3ZuF5J9VuY16PHKKfEP8lqN9GYmtgJYjfRydJMj IK6vrLObd87FXYq7FXYqhtTv4dP026v5yBDaQyTyE7DjGpY/gMlCPEQO9jKVAl8d+SbeS485aHDG Ku9/bAew9ZST9A3zqM5rHL3F57CLmPe+zc5V6N2KuxV2KuxV2Kvl/wDPLybPofm6bU4oz+jNYZri KQdFnO8yE+Jb4x7H2OdBoM/HCusXSa3DwzvoWbfk9+cWm/o238u+Y7kW1zbARWN/KaRyRjZY5HOy Mg2BOxHv1xdbojfHAfBydJqxXDJ7SjpIiujB0YVVlNQQe4IzUuybxV2KuxV2KpZ5m8vWPmLQrzRr 6ot7tOJdftIwIZHWvdWAOWYshhISHRhkxicTEvmrWvyO/MHTr1oLex/SNuWpFdW7pxYduSuysh8a inuc32PX4pCyadLPRZAdhb0T8oPyb1HQ9TXzB5iCR3kKsLKxVhIY2ccTJIykrXiSFAJ8cwdbrhMc MeTmaTSGJ4pc3smat2LsVdirsVWTTwwRNNPIsUSCryOQqqPEk7DCBaCaeDfnP+b1jqVlJ5a8vTev bSEfpG/T7DhTX0oj3FR8TdD0FRXNxodEYnjl8A6vWasSHDFL/wDnHvybNf8AmB/MlxGRY6YGS2Yj Z7l147ePpo1T7kZPtLPUeAcz9zDQYblxdA+jM0buHYq7FXYq7FXYqlnmPy5pPmLSZtK1WH1rWah2 NHRx9l0bsw/z2yzFllCXFHmwyYxMUXzl5z/I7zdoc0k2mwtrGmVqktuKzqOwkhHxV90qPl0zeYNf CfP0l0+bRTjy3DCo9Q8x6OTbx3N5pxFawq8sB9/hBXMsxhLegXG4pR7wqf4t81f9Xm+/6SZv+asH gw7h8l8WfeXf4t81f9Xm+/6SZv8AmrHwYdw+S+LPvLv8W+av+rzff9JM3/NWPgw7h8l8WfeXf4t8 1f8AV5vv+kmb/mrHwYdw+S+LPvLv8W+av+rzff8ASTN/zVj4MO4fJfFn3l3+LfNX/V5vv+kmb/mr HwYdw+S+LPvLv8W+av8Aq833/STN/wA1Y+DDuHyXxZ95d/i3zV/1eb7/AKSZv+asfBh3D5L4s+8u /wAW+av+rzff9JM3/NWPgw7h8l8WfeXf4t81f9Xm+/6SZv8AmrHwYdw+S+LPvLv8W+av+rzff9JM 3/NWPgw7h8l8WfeVNp/MmtyCJpLzU5ARxQmW4avag+LDUIdwW5S7y9A8kfkN5k1eeO415G0jTAQW R6fWpB4Km/D5v08DmFn7QhEVH1H7HKw6GUt5bB9E6PpGnaPptvpunQrb2VsvCGJew6kknckk1JPU 5o5zMjZ5u4hARFDkjMiydirsVdirsVdir//Z 297.693848 421.083984 Points 1 False False Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Default Swatch Group 0 image/svg+xml

Smart Schedules: With this function, you can set up personalized light and thermostat schedules so that they operate as you desire during specific times of the day or days of the week. This is a particularly useful feature if you want to tangibly reduce energy consumption when no one is in the office.

Triggered Automation: You can set things up such that your thermostat and lights automatically adjust whenever certain activities take place at your business. For instance, you can have the thermostat dial down when the alarm system is activated at the end of your work day.

Intelligent Lighting: Why light up your business when no one is there? With intelligent lighting, you can set up your system so that the lights remain off when no one is in the office, which will save you money.



Customer Testimonials & Reviews

18:34 16 Apr 24
Hardeep did an amazing job from installing the system and it was a great help in explaining my system how does it gonna work and suggesting on the best spot to put the motion sensor and camera. And big thanks to Curtis in giving and explaining every package he show me Not to pushy and very honest..
Julie Lofranco
Julie Lofranco
16:20 04 Apr 24
Tamim was a great help in explaining my system. It was a pleasure dealing with him. Curtis was a wonderful salesman. Not to pushy and very honest
toronto543 ontario
toronto543 ontario
01:27 03 Apr 24
Got everything i wanted after doing a bit of research. I went with CSP because of their great reviews from more than a few people. When it comes to security i want the best products with great customer care and not just someone who will do it cheaper. Hardeep and Curtis were very professional and kind and took care of whatever I needed!
Jorge Paquete
Jorge Paquete
20:22 25 Mar 24
Absolutely fantastic! From the moment I spoke with Katie from sales to the professional installation provided by Rabah. What a great team! Katie and Rabah have truly made this a 5-star experience. I would absolutely recommend Canadian Security Professionals for your home or business Security system.
14:29 22 Mar 24
We had the pleasure of having Tamim do our installation. He went above and beyond, connecting devices that were outside of the scope of his work order and honouring pricing that was originally incorrectly quoted. He was very respectful of us and our home and took extra care in the install and managing any debris.
Sanjay Modi
Sanjay Modi
14:18 22 Mar 24
Awesome experience, great sales and customer service from Chelsee. Rabah installed the system on time , with ease and extreme professionalism . Great company to work with , thank you
Darlene Buchanan
Darlene Buchanan
14:39 09 Feb 24
I have had the alarm system since 2015 and have to tell you very very happy, the smoke detector is very powerful and sensitive...was making custard pie and the oven smoked, man oh man you would never sleep through it, and the very best part 4 gorgeous firemen showed up at my door another time again baking, didn't answer the call from 🔐 service no complaints here, moving to gated community no longer need the service. Thank you
Dante Darvich
Dante Darvich
19:46 06 Feb 24
Outstanding security company that genuinely prioritizes its customers. I've been a customer for approximately two years, and whenever I've had any concerns or questions, their response time has been impressively swift. Unlike larger companies that often lack a genuine concern for their customers and seem unfamiliar with their own products, CSP is dedicated to the field of security. If you're contemplating this company, your search can end here. It truly stands out as one of the best options available!
tawfick nadir
tawfick nadir
15:03 05 Feb 24
I have been with Canadian Security Professionals for almost 3 years. The CSP team is professional and respectful. From the installers to customer service through support, I have always had good services.Keep up the good service team.
MegaMan X
MegaMan X
19:44 28 Jan 24
Outstanding company! Their commitment to customer care is truly commendable. I encountered a minor issue, and to my pleasant surprise, it was promptly resolved in less than a day. Their swift and effective response won me over as a loyal customer. If you're in search of an alarm company, these guys are the top choice!
17:18 18 Jan 24
Tamin was quick and knowledgeable installing our system. He made sure we understood how to use the system properly from our phone and the tablet and was patient with all of our questions. Thank you, Tamin!
Orev A.
Orev A.
18:39 15 Jan 24
Tamim was very knowledgeable, helpful, and professional in activating the new security system for my buisness. Thank you very much for your help.I had a Telus system and it was one of the worst experience I had with a home security system.
Jennifer Gioia
Jennifer Gioia
17:30 12 Jan 24
Tamim was fantastic. Great service !! Assessed our home and placements for motion . Installation went great left everything clean and thoroughly explained . Thank you !
21:51 02 Jan 24
Had CSP install a system recently. Absolutely fantastic job. Katie and Hardeep worked with me to put together a system customizable to our home. They were very patient, accommodating , and they work with you to find an optimal solution for your home. I highly recommend CSP. Top notch. Katie is outstanding and Hardeep very technicaly knowledgeable
Janet Ajani
Janet Ajani
20:37 28 Dec 23
Tameem was absolutely amazing!!! He is extremely knowledgeable and knows all the products. He took the time to help me get set up on the app and was just fabulous to deal with. I’m so happy I switched company’s based on his service. Thank you for being amazing Tameem. I would highly recommend his services
Ali Bhimani
Ali Bhimani
01:06 24 Dec 23
I recently had a home monitoring system installed by a technician named Hardeep, and I couldn't be more pleased with the service I received. Hardeep demonstrated exceptional professionalism and workmanship throughout the installation process. His attention to detail was evident in every aspect of his work, ensuring that the system was not only installed efficiently but also aesthetically pleasing.What set Hardeep apart was his ability to communicate complex technical details in a way that was easy to understand. He took the time to explain how each component of the system works, demonstrating the functionality and answering all my questions with patience and clarity. This thorough explanation has given me the confidence to use the system effectively.Moreover, Hardeep's respectful and courteous demeanor made the entire experience very positive. He was punctual, well-organized, and made sure to leave the work area clean and tidy. His commitment to customer satisfaction was evident, and he went above and beyond to ensure that I was completely comfortable with the new system before concluding the installation.In conclusion, Hardeep's outstanding service has not only provided me with a top-quality home monitoring system but also peace of mind. I highly recommend his services to anyone looking for a professional and reliable home monitoring system installation.
Julio C
Julio C
07:49 03 Dec 23
I have been a customer for more than 8 years. The service is excellent throughout the entire process, from application, installation and technical help. The same technician has come to both houses: Rabah Haddad and both times the Service has been extraordinary. Very professional, patient and with vast knowledge. I want to thank the entire CSP team for their work. I definitely recommend Canadian Security Professional as your provider.
Allan Seigel
Allan Seigel
01:30 02 Dec 23
My experience with Canadian Security Professionals was excellent from 1st contact to final installation. Katie was extremely easy to communicate with, either by email or phone. She helped with giving a quote for my Security system and then setting up the install.Tamim was great to deal with for installing my system. He made sure that all our devices were in the correct locations in my home and was very understanding of our wants for the location of the control panel. The app for the system is a real plus a well.Katie and Tamim both made this experience a very positive 5☆ one. I would absolutely recommend Canadian Security Professionals for your home or business Security system.
Kat Sullivan
Kat Sullivan
13:34 30 Nov 23
Great experience with Tamim and the team at Canadian Security Professionals. Very professional and took the time to review all aspects of the security system until I felt comfortable operating everything which I appreciated. I highly recommend reaching out to CSP for your security needs!
Dark Crystal Cards
Dark Crystal Cards
15:55 27 Nov 23
Tamim was great, very helpful and professional. I would highly recommend his services to any business or home in need of a security system.
George Zidan
George Zidan
03:42 23 Nov 23
Katie and Patrick Robertson were amazing he did a very good install.
20:23 21 Nov 23
WOW! From the moment I inquired about a quote to full installation, they have been amazing. I was working with Curtis to get my account set up & Rabah who did the installation! Thank you!Smooth and easy process. They truly do provide the ultimate client experience. If you need security systems, reach out to them! I highly recommend Canadian security professionals.
Pam Gudgeon
Pam Gudgeon
20:16 20 Nov 23
Great &quick service done by tech tamim and I been customer over 10 years with CSP we are glad to have our security and always we call office and there are so helpelp6 without any delay they take care of any issue that we have in our security system .
kris pearn
kris pearn
15:02 17 Nov 23
Tamim was awesome. Right on time. Courteous. Walked us through everything. Wonderful job. Would highly recommend.
Manuela Fattore
Manuela Fattore
21:45 15 Nov 23
Tamin is always helpful and thorough. Does a great job to fix any problems. Service is prompt. Also very flexible with scheduling.
Anna P
Anna P
00:45 06 Oct 23
Excellent and friendly customer service right from the quote to instillation. Katie provided us with a quote and was very knowledgeable and happy to answer our questions. She didn't try to upsell and was honest about pricing. Rahab was our installer. He was very polite and took the time to show us how to use the system step by step and answer all of our questions. He provided great suggestions and helped us to customize the system. Very happy with our decision.
21:51 03 Oct 23
I've been a loyal customer of Canadian Security Professionals for over 5 years, and they consistently deliver excellent service. They're transparent in explaining their services, allowing you to customize your security features to your liking. What sets CSP apart is their highly knowledgeable tech support team, always ensuring your security system is functioning optimally and swiftly resolving any issues. I've recommended them to friends and family, all of whom have had similarly positive experiences. While you can find similar security systems elsewhere, it's CSP's exceptional customer service and support that truly make them stand out, providing me with peace of mind over the years.
chris catojo
chris catojo
22:56 21 Sep 23
Tamim did such a great job! Mad us feel so safe is fast we are so happy with his service 🙂
Angelo Cappucci
Angelo Cappucci
15:44 20 Sep 23
Tamim was fantastic and would highly recommend him to make your household safe and sound happy to meme looked over our house and put all the equipment in the right place also the people in the office were very prompt so total service is Amazing!
Ron Piche
Ron Piche
15:27 08 Sep 23
Tamim did a great job installing my alarm system very clean job very nice person he cover all my need for my house he recommended where all sensors goes and install my camera where I choice the spot I will recommend to my friend and family great job Tamim thank you !! And CSP.
Chris Bean
Chris Bean
14:43 04 Sep 23
I checked out a handful of companies, and CSP was by far the best.The account manager who walked me through my options was knowledgeable and organized. And the installer who came to the house was creative to accommodate existing electrical access and very detailed in setting up the app on my phone and syncing all the components. And their price is on par with the rest of the industry.I would always strongly recommend CSP!
Montfort Upper James
Montfort Upper James
23:50 29 Aug 23
CSP has been our security and alarm company since we first opened Montfort Upper James more than 17 years now.CSP has been providing us with most reliable and professional service .Added to that the personal touch of the CSP ,Anas .We do recommend CSP to any kind of Business or home security system needs .
Robert Anthony
Robert Anthony
02:54 19 Aug 23
The technician makes you write a review in front of them while they are installing the system. This is why all of them give 5/5 stars.What else do you expect when someone puts you on the spot and says 'Write a review'!!Their system is below par too.BEWARE of their 3-year contracts...!Pros: their online technicians are very responsive if you encounter a problem
Bill Cournoyea
Bill Cournoyea
15:14 18 Aug 23
Tamim was very very personable and knowledgeableWork space kept cleanFast and well versedVery Happy 😃
Cola Han
Cola Han
18:47 28 Jul 23
Easy installation and very easy to use. I initially had the system installed in BC, and the transition from Vancouver to Toronto is very smooth. I just had the alarm removed in Vancouver and reinstalled in Toronto. Very efficient service, Tamim was very professional and helpful. He gave me good advice about where to install the panel. 10/10 would recommend CSP to friends 🙂
Jackie Watson
Jackie Watson
22:03 21 Jul 23
Tamim was awesome at installing my alarm. He was very respectful while in my home. He was very patient while teaching me the system as well. Tamim is very knowledgeable when it came to showing me how the system works and he took time to answer all my questions. He was very nice to my animals as well.
Ralph Bloch
Ralph Bloch
12:47 19 Jul 23
After switching alarm monitoring from a company in Oakville to CSP it was like comming from darkness into the light. The initial contract went smoothly, without false promises or subtle pressures. Everything was clearly, and patiently explained. After closing the contract, installation occured within days by a a very friendly, and patient technician, who easily responded to our needs.After two weeks we wanted some additional services. A very competent and again patient technician, named John, helped us to add the service at no cost. We are seniors, and need some extra explanations.We regret, not having switched to CSP years ago.
Maurizio Ianni
Maurizio Ianni
20:01 10 Jul 23
Tammi is an excellant technicianAll questions were answered and always had my best interest in the installation. Efficient and prompt
Ibrahim Vaid
Ibrahim Vaid
17:24 05 Jul 23
I would like to say Canadian Security Professionals were not my first choice, but after speaking with Chelsee Yates I had to change my mind. She understood all my points and questions and made sure they were answered with the utmost professionalism and care.I had an appointment for today to have my house secured with their system and the installation was nothing short of Flawless! Hardeep Singh arrived right on time, communicated what needs to be done and how long it will take.Hardeep also went one step ahead by calling me after the installation and helping me understand on how to navigate the mobile app.I am very happy with their recommendation and services and would recommend to anyone who is looking to have a hassle free security system installed in their homes.
Celeste Da Silva
Celeste Da Silva
16:57 04 Jul 23
Tamim was great he came and installed our security system. He is was punctual, and was very informing with the information regarding the security system. Would recommend him with six stars not five. 🙂
Ovunc Algin
Ovunc Algin
01:00 25 May 23
I was looking for a home security service and I'm so glad that I came across Canadian Security Professionals. I got a very clear explanation of what services to be provided. They were fast for installation and the system works perfectly. I really feel that I'm in good hands. Thank you!
QT Heart Nayna
QT Heart Nayna
17:15 18 May 23
Tamim and Chelsea got the alarm security system done for us today and everything went great. I am very satisfied with the service and would recommend it to anyone that needs it. Tamim was very patient explained everything to me and did an amazing job at home installing everything and Chelsea helped me me over the phone and she was also very good explaining everything to me.I am very satisfied with the service I've received!!!!
20:09 09 May 23
Installation was very professional and friendly. System panel is 'user' easy, multi-functional and the camera quality is excellent.Big thanks to Hardeep for a very friendly and seamless install, ask for him to do your install. 🙂
B. D.
B. D.
21:35 01 May 23
I had a minor issue with the installation. They immediately called me and did their best to fix the problem. I really appreciate their efforts. This is the difference in customer service of privately owned small/medium businesses vs large enterprises like Telus/ADT, Bell, Rogers. CSP actually tries to solve the problem ASAP as opposed to big companies transferring you to 10 different people and doing nothing.
Hand2Heart CPR and First Aid Training
Hand2Heart CPR and First Aid Training
23:07 18 Apr 23
Tamim installed my system today and was very professional, patient and kind. I felt very comfortable navigating the system after he explained everything in great detail. Very happy I have chosen this company, and that Tamim was my installer!
Vany Sada
Vany Sada
17:54 19 Jan 23
Had a great experience working with Katie Tamim. They were helpful in determining the right package for us and installation happened quickly and smoothly.
Timothy Banks
Timothy Banks
17:26 17 Dec 22
This is an updated review. It is rare to find a company that is responsive and keeps trying until they get it right. This is that company. We had a really bumpy start. It took three installation attempts to get it right. However, the whole team was involved in driving towards customer satisfaction. Our installation technician, Patrick, and the office team followed up repeatedly. Ultimately, a happy customer, so I am updating this review. The bottom line is that this team is not going to leave you stranded.
Elsa Santo Camara
Elsa Santo Camara
14:50 16 Dec 22
Hardeep did a great job on installation. Extremelly friendly even with my dogs, very professional. Curtis was amazing at all times. Always willing to answer my questions and making suggestions. We love our new alam.
Troy Robinson
Troy Robinson
14:41 03 Nov 22
I was originally with bell and my wife and I had an horrible experience with there team and technician. We canceled our service and went straight to Canadian security. The reason I chose this company was when I called to inquire about there services and prices Katie was easy to talked to, I told her about our previous experience and assured me that they will do better. With in a couple of days they sent their technician Tamim to setup my alarm from top to bottom, Tamim is very knowledgeable about his profession and very honest about any question I asked. He made me aware of everything that needed to be known and you can tell he just cares about giving you the best experience. Overall I’m happy I made the switch from bell to this company.. night a day difference with the customer service! Need more business like this! Tamim thank you for time work.
Metro Contract Management
Metro Contract Management
15:17 01 Nov 22
After calling quite a few security companies I cant tell ya how happy I was to speak with Curtis regarding our existing security system. His knowledge and honesty saved me thousands with pointing me in a direction that I could fix the issue myself.Definitely a company that's trustworthy and cares about their customers not just their wallets.Laura
Christopher Heath
Christopher Heath
15:34 11 Oct 22
Tamim and Rahim, were absolutely amazing to deal with. We really appreciated their professionalism. The installation process and customer service, were second to none. We would definitely recommend CSP to our friends andfamily family. Great Job!
John Dobson
John Dobson
15:40 07 Sep 22
Morning Chelsea,Thanks for taking my call earlier this morning and taking our updated cc info.I just wanted to express how grateful we are with the services of CSP. Being our 1st ever security system, we’ve had a few “encounters”. The individuals on the other end, have been courteous, helpful and so customer focused.Thanks for the services you and others at CSP do daily and are taken for granted by so many of us.Thanks greatly,John & Dianna of Cambridge
Mel Skinner
Mel Skinner
15:07 31 Aug 22
Patrick who installed the equipment was professional and competent. He took the time to explain how the system works and made us feel at ease in its operation. An overall great experience with a professional. Curtis in sales took the time to understand our security needs and was knowledgeable in taking us through the range of options and equipment available to match our needs. A great team effort!
00:20 20 Aug 22
We appreciate the professional service!Patrick made the experience with our first alarm system consistent and comprehensible.The initiation of the account/contract was simple, clear and customized to our needs.Thank you!!!
Sammi McGale
Sammi McGale
17:37 25 Jul 22
Tamim was absolutely great! He took the time we needed to make decisions and explained everything extremely well. We feel safe and listened to. Thank you so much for the peace of mind you gave us!
Linda Kasprzak
Linda Kasprzak
12:37 25 Jul 22
Choosing the right alarm company is a daunting task but right from the onset Heather was informative and unbelievably helpful. Heather helped me with my choices, advised and made sure that my alarm needs were met. She was always available , personable and if she said she was sending me something... then she did. All of this made me feel confident in my choice of company and I could quickly see why the reviews were so great. The Alarm specialist arrived on time, did a great job of fitting everything,no ugly wires, everything looks great and works perfectly. He was great as well. A chirpy soul who explained everything. All in all a great experience from a good company that knows what it is doing. I give them 5 gold stars.UPDATEStill finding this company a 5 star. Excellent customer support. Always available. Still impressed.
virender toor
virender toor
22:54 21 Jun 22
Tamim was abosulety wonderful. He helped install all the cameras and monitors for our home in an efficient and clean way. Amazing customer service skills and friendly service! Definitely will recommend him for future installations.
Paul Kenny
Paul Kenny
18:01 14 Jun 22
We were in need of a security system for our new retail space and checked with several firms before choosing Canadian Security Professionals. We could not be happier with the service we received. The sales rep we dealt with was Katie Rose Klassoff. Katie was both professional and helpful throughout the process. The technician who installed the system was wonderful, arrived at the specified time and completed the work in a timely manner. We highly recommend C.S.P. for your needs.
Rick Ramcharran
Rick Ramcharran
23:44 10 Jun 22
From the first call, to the latest update, even setting up things I didn’t know I had, not only organized, through, professional and very respectful, even the level of commitment Emily and Colt truly unbelievable, the security system is amazing, if you ever call and interact with their agents, you won’t regret calling!!, Emily and her team is great, very knowledgeable and polite agents are very responsive. I rest assure at night knowing CSP got my back!! I recommend this to everyone I meet, thank you guys again!! It’s a great team and service.
Gerardo Alvarez
Gerardo Alvarez
21:56 08 Jun 22
Tamim was very professional and friendly. He installed our alarm system in a timely manner and without any issues. Highly recommend!
Julia Fee
Julia Fee
17:32 08 Jun 22
Thrilled with Rabah Haddad’s expertise yesterday. He patiently listened and offered insightful feedback about best options. I felt very confident in the security system we choose because of all the helpful information that was provided. CAP helps by addressing your specific concerns with the best products. Everything is tailored to you as the customer. Highly recommended!
homeby lini
homeby lini
00:57 31 May 22
Tamim is very experience person. He is very knowledgeable about what he is doing we really appreciate it. Good job. Thank u so much Tamim
Jody Pierson
Jody Pierson
14:56 19 May 22
Tamim was on time, extremely polite & explained everything very clearly. I also liked that he discussed many different options with me about where to install key pad. He was also very good about helping me set up the app. He is an asset to your company!!
Stephanie D
Stephanie D
19:21 10 May 22
Curtis was very knowledgeable and provided honest information that helped me make the best decision for my business alarm + lock systems.
Ran Mo
Ran Mo
16:16 06 May 22
Tamim is very professional and knowledgeable. We were given great services and a good training after the installation. Thank you!
Avinash Siewsingh
Avinash Siewsingh
21:26 05 May 22
Had a wonderful experience dealing with this amazing security company today. The sales rep Katie was amazing and helpful. The installer Tamim was super friendly and helpful. Thank you!
Mike Baric
Mike Baric
15:23 13 Apr 22
From the first call to the last moment for the install it was an excellent experience. Tamim, our technician showed up on time and walked us through the best locations for our equipment install. He was very knowledgeable and experienced and addressed all of our concerns and stayed with us until everything was working properly. The solid Canadian company with excellent staff ...highly recommended!
kamran sanaee
kamran sanaee
18:07 22 Feb 22
I really satisfied with the overall experience with CSP. Katie from the sales office is very responsive. She answered all my questions overs the phone and by email. Tamim installed the system in my house. He is a friendly and knowledgeable person in this field who explained all the installation possibilities for the devices so I can decide. I totally recommend CSP. Thank you 🙂
Rob Tanner
Rob Tanner
00:55 02 Feb 22
So glad I switched to CSP ! Started with Heather on the phone. She was amazing….walked me through all the options, was patient and did not try to oversell me. Communication was amazing….got an install a couple of days after making the commitment. Set up of the install was easy and seamless. Rabah came on time and was super fantastic ! Nice guy, we went through everything and he is a true security professional. We have a small dog and he helped walk us through where to put the proper motion sensors. He set everything up and then make sure to walk us through all the options, how to use the new system, etc. best experience and so happy we made the move over to them !
ahmad halabi
ahmad halabi
17:10 21 Dec 21
Great experience dealing with Anas and Tamim . . The installation process was Great. Tamim explained everything in details including suggesting multiple options for placement of camera, motion sensors. He patiently explained the console and mobile app features and patiently answered all our questions ND was very great and patient with my Kids
23:52 03 Dec 21
Tamim was an amazing service technician, he really helped me out with all my questions, got me setup with an account and notifications directly to my phone. 10 stars! I recommend Tamim for any alarm installation or technical support you need
Dante D
Dante D
18:41 22 Nov 21
What a fantastic company this is. I had a couple of issues with the doorbell camera and these guys were right ON IT. Emily is super fast, super smart and super nice when assisting me. Reminds me of the service that I provide my own customers which is above and beyond!If you're looking to get an alarm installed make sure its with CSP. You won't get this level of service absolutely anywhere else.
03:50 10 Nov 21
Wonderful Customer Service! Eric is so friendly, is always helpful, books service quickly and answers all my questions. Rabah is kind, knowledgeable, explains everything very well and is an excellent technician. Eric and Rabah make my family feel very valued as customers! I highly recommend Canadian Security Professionals.
Jack Korman
Jack Korman
21:33 18 Oct 21
We are very happy with the service we have had, they are very knowledgeable in all of the products that they sell. Emily is very prompt in getting answers for you and if she does not have the answers for you she calls back right away with the answer. I would highly recommend using them for all of your security needs, the installation was explained throughly and the work was done professionally.
Ted Guest
Ted Guest
21:02 22 Jun 21
Just had my system installed today by Rabah. What a professional competent installer this employee is and a great credit to your organization. He gave my wife and I excellent and easily understandable information about how to operate our system and answered our questions with great enthusiasm. You are very fortunate to have an individual of this caliber representing your company. I will recommend your products and service to all my friends because of this employee and the amazing way he treated us. Thanks so much for sending him.
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Head Office Address:

911 Golf Links Road #114,
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9

Phone: 1-877-494-9911


Hours of Operation:

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Saturday: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)

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