Where Should You Position Home Security Cameras?

November 6, 2017 by

Thieves are less likely to target your home if you have a robust home security system than if you’re home is unprotected, so you owe it to you and yours to reduce the odds of becoming another crime statistic.

Positioning Home Security Cameras

But even the best home security system will fall short of providing you with the protection you want if you fail to plan things out properly. One thing to pay particularly close attention to is where you position your home security cameras. If you position them strategically, you’ll be able to keep tabs on all potential entry points, which will maximize your efforts to protect the interior and the exterior of your property.

Read on to learn about where you should place home security cameras — so that you’ll know how to use home security cameras to make your home a less desirable target for thieves.


Many criminals like to target first-floor windows, so it makes sense for you to position home security cameras in such as way as to monitor these windows. Depending on positioning parameters, such as height and angle, you might be able to cover a number of windows with a single home security camera. The key thing is, that you’ll want to make sure that there is some sort of deterrent if criminals are thinking about breaking in via a first-floor window.


Installing home security cameras facing the exterior doors is a great idea, since you’ll be able to see who is outside your front door, back door or side door before deciding whether or not to investigate. You can regard such cameras as modern peepholes. This can come in handy if you’re home and want to find out whether someone milling about your property is someone you know or a possible intruder.


In the event that criminals do manage to break into your home, you want a way to be able to track their movements and to possibly capture their images, so that this information can be passed onto the authorities. One way you can increase the odds of monitoring movement and capturing identifying features of the criminals is to install a home security system to monitor the staircases.

These are some of the critical areas where it makes sense to install home security cameras. Even the best home security system will fail to perform the way you want if you don’t properly install home security cameras. In addition to keeping you and your family safe, they will also serve as a deterrent to criminals.

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