Tips for upgrading your business’ security system

4 Tips for Upgrading Your Business’ Security System

September 13, 2021 by

For nearly everyone who runs their own business, its continued performance and employment capability is of the utmost importance. This is your lifeblood, a corporation you’ve sunk blood, sweat, and tears into, and to give it up to the whims of a destructive criminal would be absolutely devastating.

You likely already have a security system for your business, but when was the last time you really evaluated it?

In recent years, security technology has advanced greatly, and there’s now a lot of room for different kinds of upgrades and improvements to your existing security systems.

If you want to know how you can be as protected as possible, then read on.

1. Don’t use analog systems

Depending on when your business came into existence,  the type of security services available back then might have been considerably different than what is available today.

There’s an old misconception that to upgrade your security system would be a very troublesome and time consuming endeavor that is not worth your energy. This is because you might be erroneously assuming that you’ll have to get cameras, wires, cables, storage devices, and monitors just to be able to carefully track an area.

The truth is that there are more sophisticated systems today that are simple to use and highly effective.

Updating your security software into a fully digital system, which might feature perimeter surveillance cameras or fully wireless Internet CCTV systems, is a prudent way to safeguard your business.

These are usually more affordable, relatively easy to set up, and come in enough options to suit businesses of all shapes and sizes compared to analog systems. Plus, these upgrades are often fully compatible with old cables and wires, meaning you don’t need to shell out again for the same thing.

You should also avoid analog systems for several key reasons.

One is that it doesn’t support many compliance requirements for certain sectors because the data storage and image quality are lacking.

Another issue is that they aren’t suitable for any type of disaster or severe damage recovery due to the fact they store data locally as compared to digital systems, which can store data entirely online.

2. Customize your system

When you first get a security system, it can be easy to just settle for basic packages and ideas, focusing on having general coverage rather than something more specific for your business.

However, as the years wear on and you start to understand the needs of your business, you may realize that it’s worthwhile to actually customize and adjust your approach such that you can target your business’ specific needs.

For instance, depending on the size of your business, the type of buildings and work you have, and the amount of security you need, your solution for self-protection might be significantly different from everyone else’s.

Since it’s hard to assess this without experience and in a complete vacuum, this is an area where it might make sense to hire a security professional who can evaluate your circumstances and offer the exact package best suited to meet your needs.

A security professional can evaluate your unique circumstances and provide you with a wide range of options including the latest business alarm systems, video monitors, remote access control devices and energy management software to ensure your business is effectively protected at all times.

Bring your concerns, considerations, and desires, and you’ll certainly be fixed up well, especially if you choose a reputable firm like ours at Canadian Security Professionals.

3. Evaluate key concerns

Of course, in a perfect world, you would have an infinite budget and be able to get the most state-of-the-art comprehensive, pentagon-level security coverage.

In reality, though, your risks are very different from a top-secret government agency, and it usually makes more sense to evaluate concerns and budget requirements balanced out against risk.

For instance, you’ll want to ask yourself this set of key questions:

  • Are there installation or service fees?
  • What value will I be getting out of this upgrade?
  • Am I following the latest security trends?
  • What amount of upkeep and maintenance will this system require?
  • What training will I have to give my employees or myself to understand and capitalize on this system?

Echoing the last tip, this is something that may be worthwhile to discuss with the expert you decide to go with.

4. Consider if now is a good time to upgrade

Another big question that you want to ask is if the trends of your business point towards it being a good time to update.

For instance, if you find yourself moving towards more contract workers, or you just have a high turnover rate, you will likely want extra security. New employees are wildcards that need more surveillance, and it can be easy to lose track of these people in the mix of short-term contracts and job-hopping.

You also want to upgrade things for similar reasons if you find that your team is growing rapidly and you haven’t had time to really get to know everyone.

Of course, if business is booming and you have many visitors, you’ll naturally want some security.

Visitors have even less vested interest in your belongings than short-term employees, so you want to make sure you have surveillance on them at all times. This can also necessitate investment in stronger physical security, like security guards or even physical barriers to restrict movement in areas you don’t want strangers to be getting into.

Closing Thoughts

There’s a lot to do to upgrade your business security systems to the point where you feel completely safe.

The first question you should ask is if your analog system has become outdated.

From there, consider further questions like whether or not your system is customized to your exact needs, and if the upgrade will be cost and security-effective. Different circumstances may also incline you to upgrade or not, depending on employee and visitor in-flow.  

By now, it’s likely become clear that upgrading your business with an alarm system and other extra perks and features is usually an expense that is well worth it.

After all, what’s more important than making sure you’re safe and can have peace of mind for the business you’ve dedicated so much of your life to?

So, if you want to get started on boosting your security, call Canadian Security Professionals at 1-877-494-9911, or contact us at our web portal right here.

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