Professional Security Insight

July 15, 2011 by

In the general domain of security, there are a few branches:

  • IT Security – in the realm of Information Technology such as Data or Network Security
  • Political Security – such as National or Public Security
  • Monetary Security
  • Physical Security

When it comes to the general protection of your home, it falls under the last category, Physical Security. This can range anywhere from a locked door to barred windows to guard dogs or alarm system Mississauga. Fundamentally, good physical security is a combination of defensive principles designed to:

  • deter
  • delay
  • detect, and
  • respond (and ultimately, deny access)

…. to intrusions into critical physical spaces. In the case of a bank, a critical space would be the vault, for a police station, the evidence room, for an army outpost, the armory, and for our homes…well, I’m sure we can all agree every cubic inch is critical when it comes to intrusion. For the entirety of human existence, we have tirelessly sought newer, better ways to protect our belongings and our dwellings from intrusion. We used stronger materials to build our walls and our doors, devised more and more intricate locking mechanisms, put bars on our windows and doors, got expensive guard dogs, and for the more fortunate citizens, employed security guards and advanced camera systems. Finally, in the past 30 years or so, we have invented the almighty alarm system, also known as a Home Security System Canada or a life safety system.
The great leap forward marked by this invention is that it incorporates the advantages of most other types of physical security methods thus compensating for their weaknesses. Above all, it satisfies all the fore-mentioned defensive principles: the yard sign and decals around the house are used to deter. Why would I risk breaking into a home that has an alarm when I can target a defenseless home? It delays the intruder by giving him/her another device to disable, it detects intrusion(fire and carbon monoxide too) using door contacts, infrared motion sensors, glassbreak sensors, 2-way voice, GSM modules etc., and it responds by dispatching the police(as well as fire and medical departments) to deal with the intrusion. Overall, it is a step in the right direction. Alarms aren’t perfect, and they are getting more advanced every year, but we must keep funding the industry, so that we can contribute to their perfection.

Get info on Canadian Alarm Companies.

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Head Office Address:

911 Golf Links Road #114,
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9

Phone: 1-877-494-9911


Hours of Operation:

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Saturday: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)

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