May 20, 2015 by Anas Mustafa
One of the biggest safety concerns of many parents is how to protect their children from the potential dangers lurking online.
Learning how to safely navigate the Internet is a key aspect of a child’s development in this modern world, but that does not mean that parents should simply let them jump in. Before letting your tween loose online, it is important to establish some ground rules that dictate how and what they can access online.
Guidelines for Parents
When establishing rules for your tweens to follow online, parents should remember that teens are going to be naturally curious and want to explore, perhaps beyond the boundaries that you have established. One of the best ways to ensure that they stick to the approved content and activities is to keep the computer in a shared area of the home. If the computer is tucked away in a corner that nobody ever passes by, there will be a much higher level of temptation for your tween to slip off the beaten path.
A computer located in the living room with the monitor facing away from the wall so anybody can see what is on the screen is a much more effective way of controlling their internet usage. Using parental controls is also a good idea, but more technologically savvy tweens are likely to find ways around these controls.
In order to keep an eye on their social media contacts online, many experts recommend creating your tween’s social media accounts for them and holding on to the passwords. This way they will only be able to use the accounts with your guidance, protecting them from potential predators.
Stressing these points to your tween before allowing them to use the Internet will keep them safe while surfing!
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