How To Keep Your Home Safe During The Holidays

December 5, 2016 by

While the holidays typically provide ample opportunities to relax, to spend time with family and friends, and to indulge in mouthwatering entrees and desserts, you need to remember that criminals never take a day off.

Holiday Home Safety Tips

As a result, you must ensure that your property is safe whether you’re home or away from home during Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other holiday. It won’t take a determined thief too long to find out if your home presents any unprotected entry points. So read the following tips on how to keep your home safe during the holidays – they might be the difference between staying safe and experiencing a harrowing break-in situation.


It goes without saying that you don’t want to encourage thieves by giving them an idea of what they might find inside your home. Case in point: If you receive that 50” flat-screen television that you’ve always wanted, the last thing you should do is put the empty box it came in outside by the curb for recycling pick up. Before disposing of it, tear it up and bundle the pieces together so that you don’t give thieves any ideas.


When criminals drive around a neighbourhood in search of targets, don’t give them an eye full by placing valuables where they can easily be seen. That means strategically placing your Christmas tree away from the window and generally keeping the blinds or drapes closed when they don’t need to be open — especially if the windows are street-facing.


Thieves love to operate under the cover of darkness. You can take away this advantage from them by ensuring that the exterior of your home is properly lit. That means, among other things, installing motion detector lights so that they automatically switch on if someone triggers the sensors. As well, it would be a good idea to install a timer to control your indoor lights. That way, you can give the impression that someone’s home even if you’re away.

Home Monitoring

One of the best ways to keep your home safe during the holidays is to install a complete home security alarm with monitoring functions. The great thing about choosing the monitoring feature is that the service provider can immediately contact the authorities or notify anyone else you designate if there’s a problem.

When it comes to the holidays, you shouldn’t allow fear to take away your festive mood. Even so, there are some things you can do to keep your home and your family safe during the holidays.

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