February 1, 2016 by Anas Mustafa
Although burglaries are more likely to be opportunistic than planned, there are generally more break-ins in February, specifically around Valentine’s Day. This also tends to be the case during Christmas and seasonal holidays, as well as over the summer months when people are likely to be away. That said, break-ins are still largely influenced by whether or not it seems like someone is home.
The simple reason for the rise in crime during these special days could be because many people let their guards down. In February, for instance, couples or even individuals are in a rush preparing to do something extraordinary for their partners or for themselves on Valentine’s Day, like going out for dinner or preparing for a short vacation, causing them to forget about their home security. It is also possible that the rise in crime during winter is because most people are taking part in outdoor winter sports and activities.
Keep Your Property Safe this Winter
Whatever the reason, crime actually increases during the season for love in February. While you’re looking to get out of the house to do something romantic with your partner or just preparing for a winter vacation, it is important that you take precautions to keep your property safe from burglars.
Here are a few tips to keep your home safe as you plan how to spend Valentine’s Day:
If you intend to get out of the house/town,
You should also consider installing motion detecting lights to light up your entry ways, as well as a proper security system. This is actually the most important advice to keep your family and property safe, as the mere sight of an alarm system could deter a burglar and cause them to seek an easier target.
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