What to do if your home was broken into

What to Do if Your Home Was Broken Into

October 25, 2021 by

Sometimes you can do everything perfect and right. You make sure that the lights are on while you’re out, you have some level of home security, and you generally are always on alert for criminals.

Then the worst happens, and you find that your home has been broken into despite your best efforts to prevent it. Now, what once seemed safe is vulnerable, and you’re not sure what exactly you should do about it.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to respond to a home break-in that will empower you and once again give back the safety and security you desire for you and your family. Here are a few steps to take in response to a home break-in.

What You Should Do Before Anything Else

Before you move on to the broader picture, let’s talk about what you need to do right away. While it can be tempting to immediately start cleaning the broken glass and scattered possessions to return to a sense of normalcy, this is in fact the last thing you should do.

Instead, you should immediately leave the scene and call the police from a safe location like your car. This is for two main reasons. One is to ensure that you won’t contaminate the scene, thus allowing police officers to investigate and look for clues that you might otherwise disrupt if you start walking through the space.

The other reason is to protect yourself. You don’t know for sure that the robber has left the scene, and you don’t want to be caught in their crosshairs. While it is true that most thieves will do anything they can to avoid bumping into you, there is a real risk of potentially trapping a burglar and pushing them into a violent corner.

Instead, let the police clear the area and tell you when it’s safe to enter. They may have questions to ask you like what’s missing and your idea of when the incident occured. Write down the case number they give you in order to follow up with them as needed.

The crisis is over; now what?

Now that the main crisis is over, there are other first-day tasks that you should consider.

One is to call your insurance company before paying for repairs. Give them your case number and potentially allow an inspector to get photos. Basically, follow their recommended instructions, which could involve taking photographs of the scene, and see what comes next.

You also want to make a list of everything that was stolen along with receipts that prove how much you paid for each item. Otherwise, assess how much everything that was stolen is worth. As well, see if your identity is at risk with lost credit cards or passports.

Then, once you’ve calculated the values and figured out what your insurance will cover, start preparing to have any broken windows or doors fixed. Ensure that you have prescription medications that haven’t been stolen or need to be replaced. Additionally, contact your bank and credit-reporting companies to stop any identity theft in its tracks.

A Week Out

After dealing with the most urgent matters, start preparing your space so that you don’t become the victim of another crime. This is where security experts like Canadian Security Professionals can come in and walk you through what exactly must be done to secure your home.

Often, burglars might be tempted to come back to the scene for a second attack because they know the insurance will replace most of what’s been stolen. That’s why you need a security system in place to protect your belongings from follow-up attacks.

These might include things like smart locks that automatically close and tell you when they’re opened, a video doorbell or a Wi-Fi video camera, automatic lights that turn on and give the impression that you’re home, and even fence locks.

These solutions are relatively straightforward and can be put together rapidly. Furthermore, if you decide to combine them with classic home alarms that call the security agency or the police, you’re going to have some very powerful deterrents against any future crimes.

You might also want to check pawn shops and online auction sites within the first week of the burglary, looking for things that you’re missing and filing reports for police to investigate if you see any of your belongings. This could give them the evidence they need to truly catch a thief and stop them from hurting others.

Also, try talking to neighbours about your robbery. Research suggests that burglars will often target the same area, so if everyone decides to boost their security, they may be less inclined to try and commit the same stunt twice.

Closing Thoughts

When you really break it down, responding to a home burglary is nothing more than doing a combination of tasks at different points in the timeline of the incident. If you follow the instructions we’ve given here, you should be well on your way to safety and prosperity.

At this point, you should have a good idea of what exactly you need to do in case of a close-to-worst-case scenario, that being the invasion of your home and the permanent sullying of your sense of safety.

While it can be scary, remember that everything worked out okay, and you’ve now taken all the necessary steps to prevent a future robbery. Plus, if this has inspired interest in an alarm system in the Hamilton area or most other cities in Ontario, it might be worthwhile to reach out to specialists like those at Canadian Security Professionals. We’ll offer our expert insight and our assistance to do whatever you need. You can call us at 1-877-494-9911, or try our webpage here.

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