8 Ways to Protect Your Home from Burglary and Home Invasion

8 Ways to Protect Your Home from Burglary and Home Invasion

August 5, 2019 by

As a homeowner, ensuring your house and your family are protected is a crucial ingredient of a healthy lifestyle. A home security system provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home and family are protected. It can even help minimize losses in the event of a break-in or burglary while you are not home.

However, a security system is only as good as the features built into it, so it is important that you understand where your home is at risk and how to properly use the security features you install in your home. Here are eight ways to protect your home with a security system:

1. Invest in an alarm system

Alarms connected to your windows and doors will alert you and anyone in the home if an intruder attempts to break-in. Most systems can be adjusted to automatically sound the alarm if a window or door is opened after the alarm has been armed. Even in the middle of the night, this alarm will wake you and your family, giving you ample notice to alert the authorities and get to safety.

As an added bonus, alarms often scare intruders, forcing them to flee before they actually enter your home. In this way, you can deter criminals from attempting and following through with a break-in.

2. Install video cameras

Beyond alarm systems, video cameras can also be a useful tool in preventing home invasions. Home security cameras can be mounted to virtually any surface, allowing you to monitor high-risk areas of your home and property. This can include your front door, back door, garage entrance, or anywhere else with minimal visibility and high vulnerability. These video cameras will spot an individual as they make their way to your door or window. Not only is this valuable evidence in case charges are filed, but it also gives you time to alert the authorities before any damage is done.

3. Practice social media awareness

When you and your family go away on vacation, be sure to practice safe social media tactics. Specifically, don’t post about the details of your trip. Criminals and burglars look for easy opportunities to take advantage of others, and sharing the days you will not be home online is a convenient way for these individuals to get your information and target your home. Instead, wait until you’ve returned home to post pictures and share stories from your travels.

4. Get to know your neighbours

Whether you live in a small town or a big city, knowing your neighbours can make a huge difference when it comes to home security. In most Canadian neighbourhoods, people are happy to look out for their neighbours, which can include alerting them to the presence of a suspicious individual. Having a neighbour check in on your home can make a world of difference and provide the peace of mind you need to enjoy your vacation.

5. Use secure passwords

Despite the fact that most modern security systems having significant measures in place to protect against hackers and other digital theft, these systems are only as secure as your internet and your passwords.

Be sure to use abstract, unidentifiable passwords for any security systems that are connected to your WiFi. These features are often overlooked, and hackers can find your password in just a few minutes. To ensure optimal security, use a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols whenever possible.

6. Invest in access control features

Access control features add an extra layer of security to make sure that the only people who enter your house are those who have been granted access. Smart Locks can be tailored to your family’s needs, allowing you to connect each individual family members’ phone to the system so they can gain access at any time. For those without smartphones, key code entry is also available, ensuring only those with the code can unlock the door without triggering the alarm.

Smart Doorbells are also available, which include a video camera at the front door so you can see who is on your doorstep when someone rings the doorbell. This means you can ensure that you know who is on the other side of the door before you open it. All of these security features offer an extra layer of protection to prevent break-ins and home invasions.

7. Opt for interactive security

Interactive security lets you control the various functions of your security system through one simple interface. As a result, you can adjust your security settings or monitor your home using your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. From watching a live feed of your video camera to unlocking your door with your phone, you can ensure each home security function is all controlled in the same convenient system.

For added convenience, you can also connect this control panel to your Smart Home features including Smart Thermostats and Smart Lights, so you can adjust environmental settings with the same convenient app.

8. Put up security signs

Finally, the very act of advertising your home security system can help deter burglars from targeting your home. Burglars often seek out the most vulnerable homes that offer very little resistance. By placing security company signs or stickers around your home, near vulnerable entrances, and throughout your property, you can effectively deter criminals from targeting your house, opting to move on to an easier target instead.

For more information about how to create your own custom home security system, call Canadian Security Professionals at 1-877-229-7252 or contact us here.

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