Preparing For The Event Of A Home Invasion

August 15, 2016 by

A home invasion is a burglary that happens while you are home. They are particularly likely on weekends and at night when people are likely to be home. These robbers will usually come equipped with handcuffs, rope and even firearms. The reason home invasions appeal to intruders is because alarms are less likely to go off when people are home; similarly, burglars can use force to get residents to comply with their requests to open safes.

Preparing For A Home Invasion

To consider that a home invasion could happen to do you is certainly an unpleasant thought. That being said, you can significantly improve the overall outcome if you are equipped with knowledge of how to react. Remember that you can significantly reduce the chance that your home is targeted by a burglar (by as much as three times!) by installing a home security system.

  1. Decide On Your “Safe Room” and Add a Deadbolt Lock
    In the event that an intruder forces him or herself into your home, is it is important that every family member is aware of a “safe room” where you can all go. This room should have a window so that you can escape. Once you have established that the home invaders are inside your home and not still looking for a place to enter, you can use this as your escape route. If possible, run farther than your next door neighbour’s house to ensure that there is enough distance between you and the home invaders.

    Whatever room you decide on, make sure that you add a deadbolt lock and that the room can be easily locked once you are inside.

  2. Make the ‘Safe Room’ as Secure as Possible
    Once you have established what room will act as your safe room, it is now critical to make this secure as possible so that the intruder cannot use force to enter.

    • Have a piece of heavy furniture in the room. In the event of a home invasion, this can be slid across the door to provide additional protection. Make sure it can be easily moved.
    • Fortify your door. It is possible for the intruder to gain access to your safe room by kicking in the door or smashing it with tools.Fortify the door frame so that it can withstand being kicked in. It is also very beneficial to invest in a heavy-duty door for this room.
    • Equip the room with a cellphone and charger. Home telephones can easily have the wires cut, rendering a phone call impossible.
    • Equip the room with a bull horn. Ensure that the bull horn has a siren feature; this sounds very similar to a police siren, which could potentially fool the burglar and make him flee the scene.
  3. Decide On Your Code Word
    Next, security experts recommend that families decide on a code word that can be shouted if it becomes evident that an intruder is in the process of breaking and entering. This tells all family members to run to the safety of the safe room as quickly as possible. One example is to shout “get to safety.”

The award-winning Canadian Security Professionals offer a range of high-quality home security alarms. Contact us today for more.

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